As Southwest Florida residents continue their efforts in the recovery of Hurricane Ian, don’t be fooled by the businesses you choose for repairs. This is the last thing residents should have to deal with in the shadow of Category 4 Hurricane Ian.
Sadly, there are scammers that will roll into town, following a major tragedy, for the sake of taking your money.
Questions? 1-800-HELP-FLA (1-800-435-7352) – [Mon. – Fri. 8am – 5pm EST]
More and more Hurricane Ian donation sites in SWFL are opening. We have been flooded with inquiries as to where people can donate goods.
Some organizations have asked for very specific supplies. To make sure your donations make the most impact, please take a minute to look at the lists. Keep in mind, cleaning out your closet, your kitchen drawers, your garage, or your kid’s toy chest, while well intended, may cause more problems than help.

After every disaster of major proportion, government officials say there is a secondary disaster. It’s the mounds and mounds of unused clothing and other items that come pouring in. However, this is not the time for a massive spring cleaning. It’s a time to be thoughtful about what you are giving.
Some gently worn clothing is OK. Used under garments and socks are not. These need to be new. The old adage “something is better than nothing,” is not necessarily the case. Consider what you are about to donate as if it were a donation for yourself. If you were left with only the clothing on your back, would you give them up for an arm stained shirt?
Most needed
For those who are staying in shelters, basic hygiene items are greatly needed. Cleaning wipes, toothpaste, tooth brushes, soap, tissues, towels, contact solution, diapers, feminine hygiene supplies, and such.
You may have a favorite charitable organization to donated too. If not, many business and communities are holding supply drives. While it is nearly impossible to list them all, we have a few of them here. Check out these Hurricane Ian donation sites in SWFL. We will continue to update this list as much as possible.
On behalf of those in need, we thank you for anything and everything you can do to help. Both in this immediate, more short term crisis. And also in the weeks, months and even years to come.
And for lots more Hurricane Ian info, click here.