ERZURUM, TURKIYE - SEPTEMBER 03 : Tortum Waterfall is seen at Erzurum's Uzundere district in Turkiye on September 03, 2022. (Photo by Ilhami Erkilic/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
People have discovered a beautiful hidden infinity waterfall in Australia but people are being warned not to swim there because it is linked to run-off and most likely contains poop particles.
The future is now obviously, well when I wrote that, that was the past. Now, um… now it’s the present. What I will write next will be the future. You get the idea. We live in a time people in the distant past only dreamt about. Our time is one of incredible advancements in technology. There was a time when the abacus was the top dog in technology. And now our iPhones sure make that look incredibly stupid. Yes, the wonders of tomorrow are seemingly today… these technological advancements have real potential to help society and continue propelling us forward… or they could bring about our doom. Here’s 5 technological advancements that I find both amazing and also terrifying to my core!