Thieves Returned a Stolen Watch After They Realized It Was Fake
A thief stole a designer watch at gunpoint from a tourist in Italy recently. But then he returned it just seven minutes later . . . after realizing it was fake.
A video was posted on Twitter of the thief walking up with a gun and taking the watch and running away. Then later you can see someone walk back up to the table to give the watch back.
Rapina ad un turista svizzero ad un caffè di Piazza Trieste e Trento: pistola alla testa per portargli via l’orologio e poi glielo riconsegnano perché vale poco. La denuncia dei titolari del locale:"Tutto questo in centro città. Serve un presidio costante delle forze dell'ordine”
— Francesco Borrelli (@NotizieFrance) July 19, 2022