Pile of bricks appears in downtown Fort Myers near George Floyd protests
It’s been referred to as “Brick Gate.”
Mysterious piles of bricks are showing up nationwide, near the sites of protestors who are protesting the death of George Floyd.
And now, a pile of bricks has shown up in Fort Myers.
The pile of bricks were seen outside of the Fort Myers courthouse this weekend, not far from where protestors were peacefully protesting.
According to NBC 2 News, “a protestor named Kyle said he went to the Fort Myers Police Department, spoke with an officer, and told them about the bricks.
“He said that’s what they like to use to throw at windows,” Kyle explained.
The photo circulated on Facebook and Twitter. Users were afraid protestors might grab the bricks and throw them at buildings or windows.
Monday, city officials confirmed the loose bricks were being temporarily stored to install a fiber optic cable.
“The bricks have been here for a long time,” said Carlos Cavenago, who works in downtown Fort Myers. “I first noticed them when they started repairing them along the sidewalk, and it’s a sad coincidence that there is rioting and people noticed the pile of bricks but I’ve been seeing them for a while.”
Sunday afternoon, the bricks were removed and taken off the street.”
(SOURCE: NBC 2 News)