Slipknot Fans React to the Release of New Album, ‘We Are Not Your Kind’
Today is the day Maggots the world over have been looking forward to for years: Slipknot‘s new album We Are Not Your Kind has finally been released.
So far, fan reaction to WANYK on Twitter has been overwhelmingly positive as evident in some of the notable reactions below. Of course, now would be the time to perhaps advise those listening to the album on repeat this weekend to maybe stock up on some Ibuprofen or a topical muscle ointment, because it seems like everyone’s necks are going to be sore AF.
We Are Not Your Kind is available for streaming or purchase here.
Me currently listening to the new Slipknot album... #WeAreNotYourKind
— Dan 🔰 (@WrasslinFanTalk) August 8, 2019
I like to think I’m not the only dad playing @slipknot while making waffles and sausage for the kids...right?
— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) August 9, 2019
Can't even sleep as I'm enjoying my midnight event of hearing @CoreyTaylorRock @slipknot new album before bed time. 😈🤘🎶🎧#Slipknot #Wearenotyourkind #spiders #heavymetal #midnight #event #listeningparty #bedroom #metal #fans #audience #exclusive
— Dominic Gardner (@DG95Official) August 8, 2019
Holy fuck i love the new Slipknot album#Slipknot
— Siklo (@SikloBird) August 9, 2019
Me after listening to the new slipknot #WeAreNotYourKind
— Zack Redman (@zackwantstoplay) August 9, 2019
been waiting so long for the new #Slipknot album and it is freaking AMAZING 🤘🤘🤘🤘 finally a band that doesn't disappoint me this year! #WeAreNotYourKind
— LoneWolf (@_LoneWoIf_) August 8, 2019
Nothing is going to bring me down today. Canceling all the bullshit in the world today with Slipknot blasting into my ear holes. #WeAreNotYourKind
— Paranoid (@ToolofParanoia) August 9, 2019
Some serious old skool vibes on the new @slipknot album in my opnion. Much better than the vol 4! #slipknot
— Kenny Lehan (@k3nibass) August 8, 2019
FUCK YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Gonna have a broken neck by the end of this! #WeAreNotYourKind #Slipknot
— Sergio F (@sergiochimp) August 9, 2019
We Are Not Your Kind serves a hefty chunk of classic Slipknot while also remaining fresh, I am LIVING. Nero Forte is gorgeous.
— george (@ohnoitsgeorge) August 8, 2019
The new Slipknot album totally fucks. 🤘
— Peter Hodgson (@iheartguitar) August 9, 2019
#WeAreNotYourKind first listen done! Can we get the other 18 songs please? #slipknot
— J (@Jimnik88) August 9, 2019
I do not recommend listening to the new @slipknot album when you have thrown your back out. It is impossible not to bang your head to it and it hurts when I do but hey you only live twice. #slipknot #wearenotyourkind
— Troy Culpan (@Milfton) August 8, 2019
I hear some Iowa screams 🥵 this @slipknot relase is not disappointing me so far! @CoreyTaylorRock's vocals have evolved so much
— John Halo (@JohnHal0) August 8, 2019
Dear @CoreyTaylorRock @slipknot , #WeAreNotYourKind is a masterpiece. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This album is definitely my kind!
— Aaron Sim (@asim3177) August 8, 2019