We Have A Chance To Put Southwest Florida on the Musical Map
Hi Everybody…
Most of you know the story of Cinder…beginning of the Millenium… Signed to Geffen Records. “Soul Creation” becomes a hit at Rock Radio, but the album never comes out because Geffen Records goes under…They regroup..release some indie music, and continue to gig locally as “Soapy Tuna,” and it looks like the “Cinder story is over….
Until…a few months ago. Jeff Zito calls me into his office and plays me a song called “Human After All,” and tells me it’s the new single from “Cinder.” I was blown away…great hook, professional production, modern sound. Zito says they’re going for it, album, tour, the whole deal and would 96K-Rock get behind the band as they re-launch.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I’m thrilled for Cinder’s success. It’s great for them, great for the radio station that we have a hometown band to cheerlead for, and great for Southwest Florida music in general. And you guys can help too!
Come out to the Cinder CD release party Saturday night at the Buddha w/ special guests “The Electric Mud. Call and text the station (239-277-9600) and request “Human After All.” And buy their new CD. It’s available on all platforms, and will be available at the show Saturday. C’mon Southwest Florida…We’ve got a shot here to make our area important musically again. Support Cinder!