A Stunt Driver Crashes Into a Stack of Cars
A stunt driver named Jumpin’ Jake Podann tried and failed to jump over a stack of cars at last Saturday’s Eve of Destruction event in Canada. Luckily he only suffered minor injuries, but it sure looks like it could’ve been worse.
The stunt involves a lineup of seven cars in a row . . . but the second car also has THREE other cars stacked ON TOP of it. So he has to go over the stacked cars first, and then clear the rest of the lineup.
You see him traveling at about 60 miles an hour when he goes up a ramp, through FIRE, and into the air . . . but the nose of his car dips down and he slams into the stack of cars, and then tumbles into the other ones.
According to reports, he was pinned in his car, but he made it out with minor injuries.