A Dad Is Blasted in the Crotch During a Gender Reveal
LAS VEGAS - OCTOBER 10: United States Air Force Airman 1st Class Holly Hughes (L) and her boyfriend, USAF Airman 1st Class Michael Ruark, open gifts during a baby shower held at Nellis Air Force Base for new and expectant mothers who have deployed partners or are active-duty servicewomen October 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two are expecting a girl in February 2010. The shower was sponsored by Operation Top Knot, a project of the nonprofit volunteer group Soldiers' Angels. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
In case you haven’t seen this: A video has been making the rounds of a dad in Tennessee getting blasted in the crotch during a gender reveal.
He’s using a canister that he points away from his body. But when he sets it off, one end releases a puff of blue smoke, while the other end shoots a piece of something backwards that nails him between the legs.