Husband and wife encounter a spider eating an entire possum!
SANDS OF SAMAR, ISRAEL - JANUARY 12: This recent handout photo provided by the University of Haifa on January 12, 2010, shows a new and previously unknown species of spider in the dune of the Sands of Samar in the southern Arava desert region of Israel. A member of the Cerbalus genus, the spider has been named Cerbalus Aravensis. It has a leg-span that can reach up to 14 cm which makes it the largest spider of its type in the Middle East. (Photo by Yael Olek/University of Haifa via Getty Images)
This is the stuff of nightmares!
A husband and wife were on a romantic getaway in Tasmania when they stumbled across a nightmarish scene! They found a giant huntsman spider snacking on a possum.
They posted pictures of the scene on Facebook and its been getting alot of attention.