Guns N’ Roses Released Exclusive Mother’s Day Merch (Seriously)
When Guns N’ Roses is brought up, the first thought that enters your head likely isn’t “Mother’s Day,” but that didn’t stop the band from releasing some exclusive merch for the upcoming holiday.
In honor for all of the moms out there, GN’R has issued three new women’s t-shirts: A “Don’t Cry” tattoo-style logo, a “Patience” logo and a “Sweet Child O’ Mine” logo, which is the strangest one because it features some of the artwork from theĀ Use Your IllusionĀ albums.
The best of the Mother’s Day merch is the “Lucky Shot Logo Bullet Wine Glass” that features an actual bullet embedded in the side of the glass. Of course, only 300 glasses were made, and they’re all sold out, because wine moms do not mess around.
If you’re interested in any of the Mother’s Day merch, you can check it out at Fingers crossed that they’ll have some cool stuff for Father’s Day or some super ‘Merica-type merch for Independence Day!
Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.