A Guy Takes Down a Burglar With a Shotgun
BRESCIA, ITALY - APRIL 4: Andrea Maria Neira, a 29-year-old Spanish client of Perazzi, shoots with a shotgun at the shooting range on April 4, 2019 at the Perazzi Armi factory in Botticino Mattina a village in the outskirt of the city of Brescia, Italy. The gunmaker, founded in 1957, is known for its up-market hunting and sporting shotguns. Perazzi, whose shotguns can cost from 10,000 up to 97,000 Euros, has 70 employees and produces 1,500 rifles a year at about 20 million euros. The rifles are made entirely by hand by order of the customer. Italy has loosened its restrictions on gun ownership in recent months, doubling the number of "sport" weapons a licensed citizen can own. (Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images)
This happened back in February, but it’s making the rounds now. It’s security video of a robber with a shotgun busting through an Idaho couple’s front door. And the guy who lives there does NOT back down.
He starts fighting with the robber and they wrestle around until they end up rolling down the stairs and out of sight. You also hear the guy yell, “Wrong house, buster.” The robber was arrested later . . . and no one was seriously injured.