Baby Barn Owls That Look Like Aliens from Another Planet
NEWENT, ENGLAND - MAY 16: Burrowing Owl chicks are lined up to be fed at the ICBP (International Centre for Birds of Prey) on May 16, 2016 in Newent, England. The ICBP is the oldest dedicated birds of prey centre in the world. Around 75 different species of birds of prey are looked after at the facilities in the Gloucestershire countryside, including Hawks, Eagles, Owls and Falcons from across the world. As well as accepting, treating and rehabilitating injured wild birds of prey from the UK, the centre runs a captive breeding programme, working in close partnership with the RSPB, (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and ZSL (Zoological society London) Vulpro, Green Balkans and BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) to help protect and sustain healthy populations of endangered and threatened species in their native countries. The ICBP is one of the few places in the world that have successfully bred Andean Condors, one of the world's largest flying bird and one that is endangered in it's native South America. The Centre undertakes international conservation programmes, including working with 'SAVE' (Saving Asia's Vultures from Extinction) the 'South Asian Vulture Programme' which it has been involved in since 1999. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
This is from a year ago, but it’s making the rounds now. It’s a video of baby barn owls in a building under construction in India . . . and they look just like tiny aliens from another planet. Think “E.T.” but without the long neck.
They’re standing on two legs, they have huge eyes, and their wings aren’t developed so it looks like they have arms. There are three of them but one seems to be hiding behind the other two.