Watch Some Amazing Seal and Scuba Diver Playtime
HELGOLAND, GERMANY - DECEMBER 16: Mother and pup Atlantic grey seals (Halichoerus grypus - in German: Kegelrobbe) frolic in the sea at the beach on December 16, 2016 on the Duene portion of Heligoland archipelago, Germany. A local environmental organization claims a record number of pups are being born this season, with 325 recorded as of December 15. Heligoland (in German: Helgoland) lies approximately 70km off the German coast in the North Sea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
A video has been making the rounds of some great scuba diver and seal interactions. The seals are like underwater dogs that like to get pets and scratched . . . and one harbor seal actually gives a long, almost affectionate hug.