HYEONNAE, GANGWON - JUNE 08: Kim Hyun-seok (40) puts the octopus he caught in Jeodo Fishery near the border facing North Korea on June 8, 2018 in Hyeonnae, South Korea. Around 2,700 South Korean villagers live under tight military defense at Hyeonnae, a township at the east coast of South Korea which consists of 10 villages along the border with North Korea. Working mostly at coastal fisheries and agriculture, around half the land in Hyeonnae is blockaded by the military due to security concerns with North Korea as the Korean Peninsula remains technically at war and the 3-year conflict ended in an armistice but not a peace treaty. Hyeonnae was under control by the DPRK until 1954, a year after both North and South Korea ceased fire, as many of the residents in Hyeonnae cautiously awaits for the peace treaty to open gates into North Korea and South Korean President Moon Jae-in continues ongoing efforts in reducing military tensions and eliminate the danger of war. (Photo by Woohae Cho/Getty Images)